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How you can make money on YouTube

You can make money on YouTube without any special qualifications. Many people who make

How you can make money on YouTube

You can make money on YouTube without any special qualifications. Many people who make money on YouTube do not possess any special qualifications in the topic areas where they make money on YouTube.


Giant billboard

Do you remember the giant billboards which are used to advertise companies or companies’ products? If yes, do you know that companies have two ways of advertising on giant billboards? That is

a. The company can buy or rent land at a strategic location and then put up its own billboard there.

b. An individual who has landed at a strategic location can put up a giant billboard and rent it to any company that wants to advertise on the billboard.

An example is individuals who have land along roads. Such individuals with land along roads can put up billboards and rent them. People whose fence walls are along major routes, especially major roads, also rent the outer section of the fence wall to companies to advertise.Also, advertising companies can buy or rent small land spaces around strategic locations to build giant billboards that they can rent to companies.


Your YouTube and other social media handles are a giant billboard.

Let’s ask ourselves what are the adverts on giant billboards meant for. The answer is that the giant billboard is supposed to show products and services to human beings.

And your YouTube channel and other social media handles are meant to provide certain content for human beings.

Therefore, if companies can pay for giant billboards to show their products (adverts) to the public, then the same companies can pay you (content producer) to show products (adverts) on your YouTube or social media handles.

In short, your YouTube and social media handles are the giant billboards that you can rent to companies to make money on YouTube.


YouTube handles and other social media handles are considered giant billboards.

Companies pay Google to advertise the companies or the company’s products for them.

The companies tell Google the kind of customers they wish Google to show their products to. Google then uses its Artificial Intelligence to locate such customers and then show the products to them.

For example, a five-star hotel in a country or any city can ask Google to advertise for them.

Google will then use its Artificial Intelligence to locate potential clients. That is, anyone looking for the best airline in “Google search” to travel to that country or city is a potential customer. Google will then show the five-star hotel advert to the person searching for airlines to the country or city.

You now understand why you see some adverts on social media and you wonder whether it is god who sent the advert.

If you observe yourself very well, you will notice that the adverts you see on social media are about things you have searched for on Google. And they are things you searched on social media platform or even after a phone call where relations mentioned certain words.


Apply to AdSense to make money on YouTube.

Content creators on YouTube must apply Google AdSense to advertise on their channels.

Google AdSense is the third-party advertising wing of Google. Content creators must therefore create an account with AdSense to apply for adverts to be shown on their channels.

AdSense will examine the channel to see whether the channel meets its requirements. When the channel meets the AdSense requirements, approval will be given for you to make money on YouTube.


Requirements for approval to make money on YouTube.

The initial requirement before you can apply for Google AdSense approval is to get one thousand (1,000) subscribers.

Also, the channel must have four thousand (4,000) watch hours. That is the total hours that people watch your content must be 4,000 hours.

Do not be discouraged. It is easy to achieve 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours.

To achieve the initial requirements easily, the content creator must work to produce unique content consistently. The content must be in the same or similar niche and people who are interested in the niche will subscribe and watch.

After settling on the niche area that you are comfortable with, the rest of the job is for you to be consistent

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