WATCH the inside of Kwame Despite’s plush automobile museum

Dr. Osei Kwame Despite, the owner of Despite MediaGroup, is set to launch Ghana’s first-ever Automobile Museum, designed for recreational and educationalpurposes.
A viral video circulating on social media gives a sneak peek of the museum’s massive, well-designed building,which stands out due to its unique blend of colors andcontemporary architecture.
Though the museum has not officially opened to thepublic yet, it houses an impressive collection ofluxurious and rare vehicles not commonly seen onGhana’s streets.
The collection includes a range of vintage cars, classicmodels, and modern high-end automobiles, with thegoal of offering a one-of-a-kind experience to visitors.

This museum will be a place for car enthusiastscollectors, and the general public to engage with therich history of automobiles and their evolution Dr. Despite is also known for his passion for rare andexotic vehicles, and he recently made headlines forbeing one of the first Ghanaians to acquire the 2024Tesla Cybertruck; one of the most anticipated electricvehicles in the world.
The museum’s collection likely includes some of themost exclusive vehicles, from vintage Rolls RoycesFerraris, and Lamborghinis, to rare classic Porsches,Bugattis, and high-tech electric vehicles like the Teslamodels.In the video, Dr. Despite can be seen touring themuseum with his business partner and close friend, Dr.Ernest Ofori Sarpong, offering a glimpse of theluxurious collection ahead of the official launch.Although an official date for the opening has not yetbeen announced, the video has generated widespreadexcitement among car lovers, social media users, andthe general publicNetizens have been captivated by the museum’sinterior design, as well as the high-end vehiclesdisplayed, eagerly awaiting the official opening to seethe full collection in person,Watch the video displaying the interior of the museumbelow: